It is likely for immigrants to Canada to make more money after arrival in the country. This statement is especially true for the newcomers who have worked or studied in Canada before, said Canadian Visa Professionals. This suggestion is according to a report detailing Canadian immigrants’ earnings in 2019.
The report reveals that immigrants who had previously been in Canada on work and study permits earned a median entry wage of $44,600. This earning is higher than the $25,700 newcomers with no Canadian pre-admission get.
In addition, the median entry earning of immigrants with previous experience in Canada was $5,800 higher, almost 15% more than their Canadian peers.
Benefits of Pre-admission in Canada
According to a study by Statistics Canada, pre-admission experience in Canada helps in lifting immigrants’ wages. Canadian Visa Professionals stated that the most benefit is if the pre-admission experience is work-related.
This beneficial attribute serves as a means for immigrants to gain English or French language skills. At the same time, they get to acquire knowledge of the Canadian labour market.
According to the study, immigrants with only prior work permits earned a median entry wage of $39,300 one year after admission. On the other hand, immigrants with only study permits had a much lower median earning of $15,100.
Immigration Wages are Trending Upward
Canadian Visa Professionals stated that immigrants’ wages are generally getting higher. According to reports, median wages increased across all Canadian immigration categories and for both genders from 2010 to 2019.
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